by | Apr 22, 2021


I. Rationale

The Palawan Council for Sustainable Development Staff (PCSDS) established the Kiddie and Youth Wildlife Savers Clubs to engage young generations in creating change, building solid youth networks, and empowering the youth and children to work together driving social innovation and change within their communities.

The Palawan Kiddie and Youth Wildlife Savers Club 2021 is an online campaign with the theme “Be Better and Consistent: Sustainable Development for Young Audiences.” It is an activity designed for local children and youth of Palawan that aims to inspire and help them recognize their advocacies.

The PCSDS recognizes the youth’s ability to create change and demonstrate an active concern for environmental conservation. Thus, the PCSDS seeks to find the children and youth who can become changemakers in promoting sustainable development practices to audiences their age.

Specifically, the PCSDS vlogging contest seeks to:

a. Scale-up youth and children-led advocacies by utilizing different platforms
(e.g. digital media) to reach a wider set of audiences;

b. Empower young people by fostering and supporting their sustainable development
advocacies; and

c. Promote community partnerships by ensuring the recognition and visibility of our
local community partners.

II. Entry Requirements and Guidelines

The vlogging contest is open to all Grades 4-6 students, Junior High School Students, and Senior High School Students who qualify the following requirements:

a. Must be a valid resident of Palawan; and
b. Must be enrolled in SY 2020 – 2021 in any of the public or private schools in


1. The vlogging contest is free of charge. No entry fees shall be collected from the contestants.

2. All submitted work must be original work and between 5-7 minutes in length, including credits. The selection committee will accept only one entry per participant.

3. Each entry must focus on the theme “Be Better and Consistent: Sustainable Development for Young Audiences.” The vlog entry should highlight at least one of the following environmental advocacies:

a. Promoting environmental education among the youth and children (e.g. responsible
water consumption, global challenges of climate change, responsible waste
management practices)

b. Wildlife conservation

c. Personal stories of environmental conservation advocacy

4. The video must possess the following specifications:

a. The vlogs should be in landscape orientation and in the highest quality possible. Either 1080p (1920 x 1080) or 720p (1280 x 720).

b. The content’s language must be appropriate for an audience of all ages. Entries
containing foul and offensive language will be immediately disqualified.

c. When using images, sounds, or music in the entry, references of information and other
related sources used in the video must be cited, crediting the original owner.

5. All entries must begin with a 5-second full-screen title page that follows the format

Name of contestant
School name
Contestant’s Address (Barangay, Municipality/City)
Title of the video
Total runtime


Juan dela Cruz
Palawan National School
Brgy. Santa Monica, Puerto Princesa City
Buhay Isla
6min, 45 sec

6. All entries must be submitted in digital format. Entries may be submitted to
eeed@pcsd.gov.ph starting April 12, 2021. The deadline for submissions is 5:00 PM
(Philippine Standard Time) on Monday, April 30, 2021. Winners will be announced no later than May 7, 2021.

7. All entries must be submitted in digital format. No professional assistance is allowed.
Adults may assist as cameramen or actors but not as content contributors.

8. The only compensation for submitting a video is the opportunity to be awarded a prize if the
entry wins. PCSDS will pay filmmakers no additional compensation nor be liable to the
filmmaker under any circumstances

9. Participants should keep at least one (1) copy of their video. PCSDS is not accountable for any
Films that lost, damaged, or do not upload correctly.

10. Intellectual property ownership of the project remains the participant’s, with the following

1. The participant grants PCSDS the right to use reproduce, reprint, distribute, perform, and/or display the participant’s project video without further recompense or notification to the participant;
2. PCSDS maintains the right to reproduce, reprint, distribute, perform, display, or exhibit the project for advertising, publicity, and promotional purposes on their website, at conferences, or at any other venues; and
3. Participants agree to be bound by the official contest rules and decisions of the judges.

III. Criteria for Judging

The decision of the panel of judges based on the following criteria is final and irrevocable.