Teachers, to teach environmental education in schools
Thirty-three elementary teachers, principals and supervisors from DepEd Division of Puerto PrincesaCity were trained to incorporate Environmental Education in their respective subjects.
The training, held last April 29 to April 30, 2019 at Skylight Hotel and Convention Center, refreshed teachers on the ecological principles and the provisions of special environmental laws in Palawan.
Furthermore, Edong Magpayo of Pilipinas Shell Foundation Incorporated (PSFI) shared his
advocacy to teach students to free Puerto Princesa from plastics.
Participating teachers of the training will be the ones to pilot the integration of Environmental
Education among their respective schools.
A module for the integration was specially prepared by Palawan State University (PSU) using facts and
information provided by Palawan Council for Sustainable Development Staff (PCSDS).
The initiative hopes to raise a generation of Palawenos that are conscious of Palawan’s rich but fragile
biodiversity and aware of the existing environmental laws in Palawan, especially the Strategic Environmental
Plan for Palawan Act also known as Republic Act 7611.
PCSD, PSFI, PSU, DepEd Puerto Princesa, DepEd Palawan, and Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office has agreed to sign a memorandum of agreement to work together for the integration.