The Roxas ECAN Board endorses its’ ECAN Resource Management Plan during its meeting last September 13, 2016, at the DMO Meeting area, Roxas, Palawan. Mr. Ryan Fuentes, Head of the ECAN Planning Division of PCSDS presented the Plan before the Board. This will be endorsed to Sangguniang Bayan for approval.
The Resource Plan contains the updated municipal profile, threats analysis, lessons and recommendations of land uses consistent to the ECAN landscape of Roxas, which are vital inputs in completing the Municipal CLWUP of Roxas. It is a product of the collaboration between the LGU of Roxas thru the ECAN Board, the PCSDS in partnership with the UP College of Ecology.
Mayor Ma. Angela Sabando, chairman of the ECAN Board is excited as she considers this significant pathways to development, stressing that “the write-ups and recommendations of the Plan are timely and relevant inputs to completing the loop of our CLWUP, which she hopes to complete by mid-2017, the production of this resource plan saves them cost while results are substantially crisp for implementation soon”.
The Plan covers three components, namely:
- Environmental Management, Good Governance, Stewardship,
- Climate Change adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management,
- Rights-based Socio-economic development.
Meaning it bears recommended solutions to perceived threats ranging from waste management, water quality, gold panning, slash and burn farming to climate change adaptation: like establishment of green belt zones, reforestation, watershed management, Marine Protected Areas management, better social facilities and services and etc.
Also, recommended subsequent programs and actions are cited for implementation starting 2016 to 2020.
ECAN Resource Plans of Taytay, El Nido, Dumaran, San Vicente, and Araceli are set to be endorsed and approved within the last quarter of 2016.
The DMO North staff are now coordinating before the ECAN Boards to eventually ensure that these are integrated to the CLWUPs of these municipalities. (Alex S. Marcaida, PCSDS DMO North)