In celebration of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)-Man and Biosphere Programme (MAB)՚s International Day for Biosphere Reserves last November 2022, the Palawan Council for Sustainable Development, the management authority of Palawan BR, recognized exemplary individuals and the significant contribution of the industry and society towards our attainment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030.
In the succeeding weeks, the PCSDS Facebook Page will be featuring individuals and organizations who have won the “SDG Champions in Palawan BR Awards 2022” for their contributions in the environmental conservation and protection efforts and initiatives for Palawan Biosphere Reserves, complementing the SDGS for 2030.
The “SDG Champions in Palawan BR Award” themed categories are based on the clustering of the 17 UN-SDGs: Planet, People, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership.
1.) SDG-Planet Champion – outstanding contributions to the conservation or preservation of environmental integrity of the Palawan BR
2.) SDG-People Champion – outstanding contributions to the social well-being of the people and intra/inter-generational equity in Palawan BR
3.) SDG-Prosperity Champion – outstanding contributions to the economic development and resilience of the Palawan BR
4.) SDG-Peace and Partnership Champion – outstanding promotion of peace, transparency, governance, and participatory engagement of various sectors or institutions in Palawan BR.