PCSDS DMD-North attends Watershed Management Project Development Workshop

by | Mar 16, 2023

Palawan Council for Sustainable Development Staff (PCSDS) District Management Division (DMD)-North attended the Project Development Workshop (PDW) of the Local Government Unit (LGU) of El Nido and El Nido Foundation (ENF) on Watershed Management of the municipality, March 7, 2023.

It was participated by the staff, administrators, and heads of Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office (MENRO), Municipal Economic Enterprise and Development Office (MEEDO), Protected Area Management Office (PAMO), Municipal Health Office (MHO), Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (MDRRMO), Municipal Planning and Development Office (MPDO), and Municipal Tourism Office (MTO).

To come up with the proposal for the watershed management of the municipality of El Nido, the PDW aimed to identify the challenges threatening the watersheds of the municipality, frame strategies in addressing it; including collaboration and technical assistance among the agencies involved in solving it. As such, it sought to identify the watershed areas for watershed management, climate change adaptation, Information Education and Communications (IEC), delineation of watershed boundaries, enforcement management programs, reactivation of Bolalakao-Singkokan Watershed Management Board (BSWMB) members and defining community involvement and participation among its partners.

The PDW was also held to come up with protection and conservation measures for the watersheds of Bulalacao, Happy Valley, Nagkalit-kalit, and Singkukan, which all serve as sources of water for irrigation and commercial use of the municipality, but which have been threatened by kaingin and deforestation activities.

To finalize the watershed management proposal for the project, a preliminary meeting will be held on March 17. On March 19, furthermore, a proposal requesting for its funding will then be submitted to the Philippine Tropical Forest Conservation Foundation (PTFCF) by ENF. It will be implemented by the municipality of El Nido Watershed Management Board once the funding becomes available.