PCSDS DMD-Calamian provides IEC lectures on lawful and effective fishing practices

by | Mar 7, 2023

To educate the fisherfolks and barangay officials on lawful and effective fishing practices in Palawan, the Palawan Council for Sustainable Development Staff (PCSDS) District Management Division (DMD)-Calamian provided lectures as part of its Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) initiatives held in Bgy. Maroyogroyog, in Linapacan on February 21-22.

Invited by Calamianes Resilience Network (CRN), which served as the main organizer of the event, the PCSDS discussed the PCSD Administrative Order No. 05 or the Guidelines for the Regulation and Monitoring of Catching, Culture, Trade, Transport and Export of Reef-Fish-For-Food In Palawan; and Republic Act No. 9147 or the Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act.

PCSDS also explained the Republic Act No. 7611 or the Strategic Environmental Plan for Palawan Act; PCSD Administrative Order No. 11 or the Conservation and Protection of Mangrove Area; and PCSD Administrative Order No. 12 or Guidelines in the implementation of the Republic Act No. 9147 and joint DENR-DA-PCSD Administrative Order No. 1.

CRN is a non-government organization working toward a resilient Calamianes against natural disasters and hazards. As such, it has been in partnership with PCSDS in conducting Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) campaigns, tree-planting activities, and coastal clean-ups.