PCSDS-DMD-Calamian joins the Fish Right Project’s 2-day CWUP Writeshop for Culion

by | Nov 23, 2021

As a member of the Culion Comprehensive Water Use Plan (CWUP) Technical Working Group, the PCSDS, through its District Management Division-Calamian, actively took part in the CWUP Writeshop held at El Nido, Palawan on November 17-18, 2021.

This event was organized by the Fish Right Project of the Path Foundation Philippines, Inc., and Culion Foundation, Inc.; both of which serve as non-profit organizations focused on the development of coastal communities in the Philippines through programs and activities leaning towards valuing public health.

The relevant contributions or inputs of the PCSDS-DMD Calamian in the said writeshop concern the integration of the ECAN Coastal Zoning as part of Culion’s Comprehensive Land Use Program.

The outputs rendered in this writeshop shall be finalized and approved in December of 2021 for the Municipality of Culion, Palawan.