In a letter by the UNESCO National Commission of the Philippines Secretary General Lila Ramos Shahani, CESE, recognized the PCSD and its staff for its untiring efforts in ensuring the Palawan Biosphere Reserve continuously serve as a model BR in the country and in the global network of biosphere reserves under UNESCO’s MAB programs.
During the 29th session of the MAB Council at France last June 2017, the MAB Advisory Committee stated that the statutory framework of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves. Accordingly, the Palawan BR satisfactorily fulfilled its three complementary functions: conservation, development and support.
Palawan was declared a Man and Biosphere Reserve in the year 1990, and since the conversion of PCSD from the PIADPO through RA 7611, PCSD has been the focal entity in ensuring that all the zones of the Palawan BR, through the implementation of the SEP for Palawan Act, be conserved and preserved through its sustainable development advocacy.