WHEREAS, Republic Act No. 7611, otherwise known as the Strategic Environmental Plan (SEP) for Palawan, took effect on 19 June 1992 section 6 of which provides that the SEP shall serve as the framework to guide the government agencies concerned in the formulation of plans, programs and projects affecting the environment and natural resources of Palawan;
WHEREAS, Section 16 of the same law provides that the governance, implementation and policy direction of the SEP for Palawan Act shall be exercised by the Palawan Council for Sustainable Development (PCSD);
WHEREAS,Section 19, paragraph 8 of the same law provides that the Council shall have the power to adopt, amend and rescind such rules and regulations and impose penalties therefore for the effective implementation of the SEP and the other provisions of this Act;
WHEREAS, Section 4 of Republic Act No. 9147 otherwise known as the Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act provides that in the Province of Palawan, jurisprudence herein conferred is vested to the Palawan Council for Sustainable Development pursuant to Republic Act No. 7611;
WHEREAS, Section 30 on Deputation of Wildlife Enforcement Officers of the same law provides that the Secretary shall deputize wildlife enforcement officers from non-government organizations, citizens groups, community organizations and other volunteers who have undergone necessary training for this purpose. xxx As such, the wild enforcement officers shall have the full authority to seize illegally traded wildlife and to arrest violators of this Act subject to existing laws, rules and regulations on arrest and detention;
WHEREAS, PCSD Administrative Order No. 12 or the Detailed Guidelines in the Implementation of Republic Act No. 9147 and Joint DENR-DA-PCSD Administrative Order No. 01 as may be made applicable in the Province of Palawan took effecton July 29, 2011;
WHEREAS, Section 5 of PCSD Administrative Order No. 12 provides that individuals from different sectors of the society, such as the local government units (LGUs), non-government organizations (NGOs), citizens groups, community organizations, etc., shall be deputized by the PCSD as Wildlife Enforcement Officers (WEOs)xxx. That for purposes of supervision and control, all Wildlife Enforcement Officers shall closely work with the PCSDS and shall be under the direct supervision of the PCSDS Executive Directorxxx.
WHEREAS, that for deputation purposes, potential WEOs must possess the qualifications, and comply with the requirements and training provided under Section 5.2 to5.4and of PCSD Administrative Order No. 12, as amended;
WHEREAS,on October 10-14, 2016 atthe Puerto Princesa City Hall and on October 17-21, 2016 at the Municipal Hall of San Vicente, Palawan, the PCSDS WEO Training Team in coordination with the concerned Local Government Units conducted a five (5)-day Wildlife Enforcement Officer (WEO) Training;
WHEREAS, in today’s regular meeting, a total of thirty nine(39) individuals took oath as Wildlife Enforcement Officers (WEO) which constitute as apart of the deputation process for the qualified WEO trainees that has complied with the requirements and passed the examinations during the abovementioned WEO Training, to wit:
City Government of Puerto Princesa:
- Joy B. Viterbo
- Fe V. Bolen
- Rizza A. Velarde
- Alonzo J. Padon
- Avegil A. Asutilla
- Arcita H. Bantog
- Janet B. Cardejon
- Cyrille M. Fernando
Palawan Council for Sustainable Development Staff (PCSDS):
- Benny U. Dagaraga Wildlife Traffic Monitoring Unit (WTMU)
- Roel P. Villagracia Wildlife Traffic Monitoring Unit (WTMU)
- Menchie M. Himpolaran Wildlife Traffic Monitoring Unit (WTMU)
- Meia H. Gabuat Wildlife Traffic Monitoring Unit (WTMU)
- Jaime A. Padrones Jr. Inspector
- Michael P. Ello Wildlife Enforcement Officer
Palawan Wildlife Rescue and Conservation Center (PWRCC):
- Salvador L. Guion Wildlife Handler
KATALA Foundation Inc. (KFI):
- Joel A. Gambalan Warden
- Joel A. Cervantes Warden
- Antonio L. Dalita Warden
- Winefredo B. Madeja Warden
Local Government Unit (LGU-San Vicente):
- Tito D. Arias BantayDagat
- Charles N. Maquiso BantayKalikasan
- Jimmy V. Plasencia Eco-Guard
- Rolly F. Oncepido Eco-Guard
- Ives Edenen D. Palay BantayDagat
- Marites T. Gacayan Admin Aide/BantayDagat
- Junick B. Sabuero Eco-Guard
- Delmor C. Austria BantayDagat
- Donald E. Lan BantayDagat
- Edwin S. Labatete Eco-Guard
- Mac Donald F. Sabanes LGU
- Roque R. Tacob Eco-Guard
- Francisco S. Vicete Eco-Guard
- Mario C. Dequina Eco-Guard
- Ramon G. Robles Eco-Guard
- Joven D. Dandal BantayDagat
- Edgar A. Adora Eco-Guard
- Elmer O. Abello BantayDagat
- Bernard T. Jungco Eco guard
- JosePancho C. Arreglo Eco-Guard
WHEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and on motion duly seconded, the Council resolves to authorize, as it is hereby AUTHORIZED, the deputation of the abovementioned thirty nine (39) individuals as Wildlife Enforcement Officers (WEOs);
RESOLVED FURTHER, that identification cards as Wildlife Enforcement Officers (WEOs) and deputation order be issued to the abovementioned individualswhich shall be valid for the period of two (2) years from date of issuerenewable for the same period after submission of a duly accomplished evaluation form and upon favorable recommendation of the appropriate office of the PCSDS;
RESOLVED FURTHER,that the abovementioned individuals be included in the PCSDS WEO database for purposes of supervision and control;
RESOLVED FINALLY, that a copy of this resolution be furnished the concerned agencies and parties for information and guidance;
ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 18th day of November 2016 in Puerto Princesa City, Philippines.
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I hereby certify that the above-quoted resolution has been duly adopted by the PCSD on the 18th day of November 2016.
Chair, PCSD
[gview file=”https://pcsd.gov.ph/igov/wp-content/uploads/bsk-pdf-manager/16-563_21.pdf”]