One Southeast Asian Box Turtle turned over to PCSDS

by | Jan 26, 2021

One Southeast Asian Box Turtle (Cuora amboinensis) was turned over by Ms. Leah O. Peralta, school principal of Brooke’s Point Central School, to the Palawan Council for Sustainable Development Staff (PCSDS) District Management Office – Brooke’s Point on January 25, 2021.

Southeast Asian Box Turtle

Ms. Peralta voluntarily turned over the said turtle, which has a curved carapace length of 16 cm, curved carapace width of 10 cm, and weighed 0.5 kg.

The said turnover came after the report received by the PCSDS Wildlife Trafficking Monitoring Officers (WTMOs) in the said municipality from DENR about the intent of the school principal to turn over the turtle to PCSDS. The WTMOs went to Brooke’s Point Central School, District 1, Palawan to retrieve the turtle from her.

The Southeast Asian Box turtle is listed as an “Endangered” species under PCSD Resolution No. 15-521. If you happen to find or have rescued any wildlife, you can turn them over to our office so that we can properly take care of them. You can reach us through our hotline numbers 0935-116-2336 (Globe/TM) and 0948-937-2200 (Smart/TNT), or you can send your messages to us through our official Facebook page.