In a heartwarming act of kindness, concerned citizens rescued a Sunda Box Turtle found stranded in the middle of a dark road in San Pedro, Puerto Princesa City on the evening of April 18, 2024. The rescuers, identified as Mesemelie D. Felicia and Jawsef Abet Flormata, noticed a shadow in the middle of the poorly lit street as they were passing by. Upon closer inspection, they discovered the turtle, vulnerable to passing vehicles.
Fearful that the small wildlife might be harmed by larger vehicles, Mesemelie and Jawsef decided to intervene. They carefully retrieved the turtle from the road, rescuing it from potential danger.
The following day, they finally decided to surrender the turtle to Palawan Council for Sustainable Development Staff (PCSDS). Their decision was influenced by the realization that many individuals were actively turning over wildlife to PCSDS, as seen on the agencyโs Facebook page.
The identified Sunda Box Turtle is an adult male and is classified as an โEndangered Speciesโ under PCSD Resolution No. 15-521.
The PCSDS encourages fellow citizens who happen to encounter any live wildlife to leave them alone in their natural habitat. However, if said animal is under or poses immediate risk, only then could they be turned over to our office or seek assistance by calling our hotlines: PCSDS Wildlife Enforcement Unit (WEU) at 09319642128 (TNT) and 09656620248 (TM), or the PCSDS Front Desk hotline at 0935-116-2336 (Globe/TM) and 0948-937-2200 (Smart/TNT). Concerned individuals may also reach out through the PCSDS Facebook page for further assistance or inquiries.