In a meeting initiated by Mr. Angel Manalon, Aborlan Municipal Administrator and Engr. Edwin Yadao, Aborlan Municipal Agricultureโs Officer (MAO), as part of public consultations made for the purpose of drafting a new IRR for the regulation of business and trade of lobster fry in Aborlan, Palawan, Legal Services Section Staff Dennis Creach S. Barcelona together with the District Management Division South provided insights about PCSD Administrative Order No. 12, its salient provisions, and the agencyโs mandate to conduct IEC and trainings. They informed them that PCSD is very willing to provide assistance with regard to information about the laws and likewise may deputize Wildlife Enforcement Officer (WEO) to qualified people from their municipality.
LGU-Aborlan employees, local fisherfolks, and catchers and traders of lobster fry conceptualized to ensure proper enforcement of the IRR addressing rampant illegal trading of lobster in the municipality.